It’s too early to say what would be good side projects for a programmer this year, but, I can give you an idea of some types of side projects that are popular and can help you improve your programming skills. So, here we go:
- Personal Finance Tracker: Building a personal finance tracking app can help developers improve their skills in areas such as user input validation, data storage, and data visualization.
- Portfolio Website: Creating a portfolio website is a great way for developers to showcase their work and can help them improve their skills in web design, front-end development, and back-end development.
- Chatbot: Building a chatbot can help developers improve their skills in natural language processing and machine learning.
- Game Development: Developing a game, whether it be a simple 2D game or a more complex 3D game, can help developers improve their skills in game development, physics, and AI.
- Calendar App: Building a calendar app can help developers improve their skills in working with date and time, and also layout design.
- Recipe App: Creating a recipe app can help developers improve their skills in working with databases and APIs, as well as in user interface design.
- Social Media App: Developing a social media app can help developers improve their skills in user authentication, data storage, and real-time communication.
- Task Manager: Building a task manager can help developers improve their skills in working with databases and user interface design.
- Weather App: Creating a weather app can help developers improve their skills in working with APIs and data visualization.
- E-commerce App: Developing an e-commerce app can help developers improve their skills in working with databases, user authentication, and payment processing.
In summary, having a side project can be a great way for programmers to improve their skills and stay up-to-date with the latest technologies. There is a wide variety of project types to choose from, and each can help to improve skills in different areas.